Artist Statement
My Art
“Variety’s the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor” (William Cowper-English Poet, 1731-1800). William Cowper’s quote best exemplifies my art. Pen and ink, colored pencils, watercolors, pastels, acrylics, oils, paper and computer-generated art are examples of mediums I have used in creating art. My experiences in art, writing and technology provided me with the tools to illustrate, write and self-publish an educational children’s book and to develop an online business for art. Visit my new etsy site at to find out information about my online business.
My Inspirations
Art and creativity have always been a part of my life. My mom was my first mentor. She provided me with a variety of art material. Venus Paradise sets, coloring books, construction paper and paint-by-number sets sparked my interest in art and being creative. My brother gave me an art set consisting of colored pencils and paints from my brother for Christmas during my teenage years. This set inspired me to continue my passion in art.
Favorite Artists
My favorite artists are William Morris, an English textile designer, artist, writer and M.C.Escher, a Dutch graphic artist . M.C. Escher produced mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints.
JoAnn Pellecchia
To Contact JoAnn Pellecchial:
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Artwork copyright © JoAnn Pellecchia. No images may be reproduced in any form without written permission.